viernes, 27 de febrero de 2009

Breaking up the habits

All the past few years I've been making these terrible choices... I know, I haven't been the most intelligent person when it comes to important decisions. But what I really regret is that since I can remember I've dated emotionally unstable girls, even when I knew they weren't a safe bet I stayed with them, and as usual I got my heart ripped out, several times... And everytime I started the damm circe all over again...

But that's ENOUGH, no more emotionally unstable or emotionally unbalanced girls for me, I know it's gonna take a while, but the next one it's gonna be a keeper...

Well, good luck on that one... And, let the hunting season begin!

viernes, 20 de febrero de 2009

Everlasting Love

Hearts gone astray
I went away
Just when you needed me so
You won't regret
I'll come back begging you
Won't you forget
Welcome love we once knew

Open up your eyes
Then you'll realise
Here I stand with my
Everlasting love
Need you by my side
Girl to be my pride
You'll never be denied
Everlasting love

Hearts gone astray
I went away
Just when you needed me so
You won't regret
I'll come back begging you
Won't you forget
Welcome love we once knew

Open up your eyes
Then you'll realize
Here I stand with my
Everlasting love
Need you by my side
Girl to be my pride
You'll never be denied
Everlasting love
From the very start
Open up your heart

Feeling you forever
Everlasting love

Need a love to last forever
Need a love to last forever
Need a love to last forever
Need a love to last forever

I need a love to last forever

domingo, 15 de febrero de 2009

Happy Valentine's

Bueno pues, 14 de Febrero, "Dia de los enamorados" Bah! Es solamente una fecha inventada para el marketing y el consumismo, y donde se le restriega a los solteros el hecho de q estan solos y lo patetico q es eso delante de toda la sociedad contemporanea...

Gracias a Dios por los amigos incondicionales que le hacen compañia a uno sin importar lo q sea!

Y gracias a Dios por las cheras con baja autoestima que necesitan pasar estas fechas con alguien para llenar ese vacio en su corazon dejado por "daddy issues"... asi q suerte a todos los Zopes que andan de caceria por ahi, ojala se den gusto!

Happy Valentine's a todos!

jueves, 5 de febrero de 2009

Decisiones Apoteosicas

Porque las decisiones mas sencillas, las mas simples, las de sentido común son las mas dificiles? Habrá acaso algo inconsciente en nuestro ser q nos impida tomar las decisiones mas acertadas para las cosas mas sencillas? O, porqué siempre las decisiones que envuelven nuestro bienestar emocional son las mas dificiles? Sino que recapacitamos hasta cuando nos hemos dado en la trompa, nos hemos caido y no hay mas fondo al que ver...

Pero bueno...

It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!