jueves, 23 de julio de 2009


Qué tal si te das cuenta que padeces de vertigo? Cual sería la peor forma de darte cuenta?

Pues a mi me pasó eso ayer... me di cuenta que sufro de vertigo... en la cima del volcan de Izalco... la bajada fue toda una proeza... no sé como es que estoy vivo o por lo menos sin ningun huezo roto...

Aunque debo de admitir que fue una muy buena forma de enfrentar este miedo...

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2009


I forgot so long ago
how much did I enjoyed
the smell of sweet vanilla
on a smooth skin...

martes, 14 de julio de 2009


A veces, como que los planetas se alinean y alumbran cierta aura sobre ti, y sin importar lo que hagas o digas pareciera que simple y sencillamente nada te puede salir mal...

Hoy fue uno de esos dias :D

lunes, 13 de julio de 2009


Nunca he sabido mucho de la familia de mi padre por el lado paterno... hasta este fin de semana...

La familia paterna de mi abuelo es italiana, de Sicilia para ser mas exactos, el nacio allá y se vinieron para América huyendo de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Su familia materna era española, de qué parte, no estoy seguro. El nombre de mi abuelo era Tobías Pastore Caballero.

La cuestion es, que cuando mi abuelo vino a El Salvador, su nombre fue deformandose a Tobías Pastor Caballero, y el Pastore paso de ser su primer apellido a un segundo nombre, por eso, el apellido de mi padre es Caballero, pero deberia de ser Pastore...

¿Gino Pastore Caballero? No suena mal, nada mal

jueves, 9 de julio de 2009

Ripping Off the comic insdustry

Ya de un tiempo para aca la mecha del cine moderno se nos está quedando sin ideas nuevas, y ha acudido al mundo de los comics que ha sido como un oasis en el desierto para ellos... Pero una cosa es plasmar el comic en el cine o TV y otra es robar la trama y hacerla propia...

Y es ahi cuando me di cuenta que Warner ha hecho eso ultimo, tomó una idea de un comic y la hizo propia en una serie de TV... y la serie es ni más ni menos que Chuck... y el comic en el que fue basado es uno de Jim Lee llamado Divine Right...


The story shows how, millennia ago a gigantic creation fell to Earth, impacting into a Middle-Eastern desert. An engine capable of unthinkable power, it was later to be called the Creation Wheel, potentially able to provide a user with the power of God. It would lay dormant for centuries, with its power creating a holographic realm of energy-projection to be known as the Hollow Realm, regarded as the gates of Heaven by the artificial beings who lived there.

However, whilst there were people ready to wait for the Messiah, other wished to take the power for themselves and begin again, rewriting the universe to their own desire. The principal architect of this dream was the shadowy Cardinal Lazarus, backed with the might of Lord Acheron, the villainous brother of Tobruk, and Lord Jesthra, a powerful minion.

The story then flashes forward to the modern day, minus a few years. Operation Divine Right, run by the super-espionage group I.O (International Operations), has uncovered the Creation Wheel, and the Dark Arts, a sub-section of I.O, working with the Coda assassins (ultimately working for Cardinal Lazarus), sponsored a translation of the futuristic hieroglyphics by Dr Mattheus Senreich, rendering the codes into binary, a number string known as the Creation Equation, supposedly capable of allowing an individual to access the full power of the Creation Wheel. Only one copy existed, which was stolen by I.O operative Christy Blaze, working deep undercover as a Coda warrior.

A chase ensued between Acheron's forces (known as The Rath) and Blaze, as they struggled to regain the code; they were ultimately too late, and while they killed Blaze, she had already uploaded the Equation to Icore, the I.O mainframe.

This is where we meet Max Faraday; 20-year-old computer science major, lovable loser, at home, with older friend Devan Lawless; bored, Dev logged into Icore using his old professor's access codes. Something starts downloading: a binary code string. Max views it all (barring one file, which he forwarded to his cyber-girlfriend, Susanna Chaste), when the computer blows up as a result of channelling the Equation.

Seemingly fine, Max and Dev head out, only to be pursued by strange creatures, bringing about the first manifestations of his power, and the first meeting with The Fallen, his protectors and mentors. The Fallen are Brande, Tobruk and Exotica; a trio of super-powered beings who have a fraction of Max's power which bonds them to him.

Hunted for this power he now wields, he is helped notably by The Fallen, Christy Blaze, John Lynch (Gen¹³'s mentor) and Caitlin Fairchild, the peer leader of Gen13.

The ensuing journey sees Max embrace his Divine Right, as he takes control of the situation, and ultimately the universe, only to face off against theWildC.A.T.S., Gen13, The Fallen, and even Susanna herself, as he truly tests the limits of what God can do, and how much humanity can be retained.


Chuck Bartowski (Zachary Levi) is a twenty-something in Burbank, CA who works as a computer expert at the Nerd Herd at his local Buy More (a parody ofBest Buy's Geek Squad),[11] a large retail consumer-electronics chain, with his best friend, Morgan Grimes (Joshua Gomez). Chuck's sister Ellie (Sarah Lancaster) is a doctor who is constantly encouraging him to make progress in his professional and romantic life. Also joining the cast is Ellie's now-husband,Devon "Captain Awesome" Woodcomb (Ryan McPartlin), also a doctor looking out for Chuck's social life. On the night of his birthday party, Chuck receives an e-mail from Bryce Larkin (Matthew Bomer), his former Stanford University roommate, who is now a "rogue" Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agent. When he opens it, the entire database of all the US government's secret information—a neural supercomputer called The Intersect—is subliminally embedded into his brain. Both the National Security Agency (NSA) and the CIA want the intelligence returned to them and dispatch agents of their own—Major John Casey(Adam Baldwin) and Sarah Walker (Yvonne Strahovski)—to retrieve the data.

Since the information was stolen by Bryce and the government's copy destroyed in his attempted escape, and since Chuck experiences "flashes" of information from the database activated by certain triggers around him (such as faces, voices, in-context keywords, and various objects), he must use the knowledge he now possesses to help the government thwart assassins and international terrorists — upending his previously uneventful life. In order to preserve their safety, Chuck must keep his new-found occupation a secret from his family and friends, forcing Casey and Walker to establish an uneasy alliance and secret identities; Walker poses as Chuck's girlfriend and takes a cover job at the local restaurant next to the Buy More (formerly Wienerlicious, currently Orange Orange) while Casey gets a job at the Buy More, with the shared goal of protecting Chuck at all costs.

In the meantime, the government attempts to rebuild the Intersect computer. As it nears completion, Casey is ordered to kill Chuck as soon as the new Intersect is ready. However, in the premiere of season 2, it is sabotaged, keeping Chuck alive.

As the series progresses, it is revealed that Bryce is still alive and that a rogue spy agency called "Fulcrum" is searching for the Intersect, which they believe to still be in the possession of Bryce, not Chuck. Several Fulcrum agents have independently discovered that Chuck actually is the Intersect, but all have been apprehended or killed before they could pass the information on.

It is also revealed that Fulcrum is attempting to build its own Intersect, and that Fulcrum believes the CIA has stopped trying to rebuild its own. In the episode "Chuck Versus the Suburbs" (February 16, 2009), the collection of all secrets from Fulcrum's own Intersect testbed project was implanted into Chuck's head. Eventually, (presumably) all of the Intersect information is removed by Chuck's father and the Intersect's chief inventor, Steven Bartowski (a.k.a. "Orion"); however, in the second season finale "Chuck Versus the Ring" (April 27, 2009), Chuck voluntarily uploads the newest version of the Intersect into himself which allows him to flash on other skills à la The Matrix, rather than just the raw information and computation of the earlier Intersect.

Dios ya no se puede hacer nada original en estos tiempos... ya vi que voy a ir a patentar todas las historias que tengo en la cabeza antes de que me las plageen...

martes, 7 de julio de 2009

viernes, 3 de julio de 2009

Luving that poetic side!

Ven y sentate junto a mi,
Que esta noche es de nosotros,
y te escuchare con todo el silencio del planeta

jueves, 2 de julio de 2009

The Oath

In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil's might,
Beware my power... Green Lantern's light!